Mình cũng lưu lại trang danh sách này để khi cần có thể tra lại danh sách game miễn phí xem có game gì hay không để chơi. In terms of the jobs you take on, there are pre-generated story orders and random generated orders to look at (thus combining how jobs were presented in the. Ngay cả khi bạn không có kế hoạch chơi các game miễn phí này sớm, bạn cũng có thể đăng nhập và thêm chúng vào thư viện của mình nếu bạn có tài khoản Epic Store. Hoàn toàn miễn phí, không có ràng buộc nào. Please check the oil and the tires.Epic Games Store vẫn tặng game miễn phí mỗi tuần trong suốt năm 2023. Below, you will find information that will allow you to perform this task, including a list of spare parts and a description of the repair. He said that he's not interested in anything except driving and ocassionally filling it up at the gas station. In Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 in the next order of story, we need to focus on the Olsen Grand Club. "A year an a half ago I bought this car for my son. Does anybody know how many there are total I really want to find out if anything cool happens besides the achievement if you complete them all. You can imagine my surprise when the 35th came in. The number of experience points is usually higher than the normal orders, but they usually require more time to complete. How many total story orders are there I was under the impression that there were only 34 story orders. This chapter contains descriptions of actions you have to perform during this order.

These are a set of predefined orders with a vague description of the problem, usually unknown parts to fix and better rewards than the normal orders. The fifth story order in Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 requires you to work on Salem Kieran.

Completing easy orders like fixing the exhaust, gearbox or body parts are a good way to obtain experience faster. You will get 100 experience points for each completed order plus a variable number that seems to be related to the number of parts you worked on in 1:1 relationship. What each level gets you Level 1 Level 4+ This is the Garage Level II Upgrade. As you unlock new tools the variety of tasks included in the orders will increase.

But the parts are grouped in sections which helps to locate them. These orders are randomly generated, sometimes you will know the parts to fix, sometimes you will need to reveal them by yourself.